Saturday, November 05, 2011

KB SSL Enforcer for the Google Chrome Web Browser

KB SSL Enforcer is a great Google Chrome Extension for forcing websites to use SSL.

For Example, I use KB SSL Enforcer to force Youtube to use SSL.

Youtube supports SSL, but at this time it is not "auto" activated, nor is there a way to tell Youtube to use SSL, unless you do it yourself by changing the HTTP to HTTPS after already opening the Youtube page you want to view.

Follow these steps for installing KB SSL Enforcer:

1) Visit the KB SSL Enforcer extension page using Google Chrome and click on the "Add to Chrome" button.

2) Visit the KB SSL Enforcer Browser Button extension page using Google Chrome and click on the "Add to Chrome" button.

3) When visiting a web site, click on the KB SSL Enforcer Browser Button and press the "Redirect" button. If the site supports HTTPS, you will now browse the site securely.

Happy Secure Browsing.

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